Hello from Sunny Halifax,
I don't know about you but this sun makes me happy :)
Today's topic is insurance coverage.
We would all like to believe we have enough insurance coverage but in reality I have never seen someone rich on long term disability. Have you? No one currently lives at 60 percent of their income currently so can you imagine being sick and on disability and having to live on less? Even worse what if your spouse/partner had to go on leave to look after you? Could you survive? I recommend that you protect your loans but more importantly make sure that the coverage you choose will pay what you need. Make sure to ask these questions prior to making a purchase:
Does it cover pre existing conditions?
What is the procedure to make a claim?
Can I start the paperwork before surgery aka(less waiting time)?
Do I need a specialist or just my MD?
And lastly protect your credit!
I leave you today with a great article by Erin McKee titled " Why your group disability coverage may not work for you" http://www.canadianautoworld.ca/article/101883/
Have a read and let me know if you have any questions!
Until next week,