The new car experience
Relationships are still VERY important. If you aren’t happy about your experience speak up! Give the Dealership the opportunity to fix it the situation and make you a happy customer!
Relationships are still VERY important. If you aren’t happy about your experience speak up! Give the Dealership the opportunity to fix it the situation and make you a happy customer!
In today’s world you constantly hear about recalls and how they are affecting the “dependability “ of a Manufacturer. The media often exploits the Automotive Industry in general with negative input, that is the Manufacturer but what about the Dealership themselves? What happens to them? What the media does not mention is how many people are employed in the automotive market direct or indirect.
It is a fact that as Canadians we take less vacation time that most of our counterparts in the rest of the world. My husband and I were part of that group until 10 years ago.
Criticism is a part of life. The important thing to remember is that criticism in any form has to be handled in a way that doesn’t allow it to affect our career, self-esteem, or peace of mind.
So what makes YOU different? Do you ever look at yourself through your customers eyes? Through your competitors' eyes? What are we all trying to achieve and how do we go about it that makes us different? The one place to start is customer service.
Having insurance does not mean that you will 100% be protected. Here are a couple of good insurance stories that I have had the pleasure of being a part of last week.
Quite often I hear “Sell it and Forget it!” in several stores throughout my travels. That is a good attitude to have if you have the best products available or if the customer clearly understands the product(s) they have purchased with you. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.
We would all like to believe we have enough insurance coverage but in reality I have never seen someone rich on long term disability. Have you? No one currently lives at 60 percent of their income currently so can you imagine being sick and on disability and having to live on less? Even worse what if your spouse/partner had to go on leave to look after you? Could you survive?
Today I am not going to talk about products, process or training. Today I'm choosing to tell you a story about how we conduct ourselves not only in business but in life in general.
Everyone thinks they have enough insurance coverage until it is needed. My advice to you is to make sure you have the right protection from the right provider. Ask questions and lots of them!